
S-VETOSS, A Smart Bioscaffold
S-VETOSS is a next generation bone grafting biomaterial that is clinically proven to be a reliable alternative for cancellous autograft. It is biocompatible, osteoconductive, and acquires osteogenic properties in the host site. S-VETOSS unique composition and structure provide a dynamic balance between the graft resorption and preservation of volume (3D bioscaffold) for optimal host bone remodeling. Like the trabecular structure of natural bone, S-VETOSS interconnected macropores are ideal for vascularization, hosting growth factors and bone progenitor cells that differentiate and grow new bone tissue within the defect as it resorbs over time and leaves behind 100% native new bone.

Fracture repairs tend to have a long healing process with potential for additional trauma and issues if left untreated. Use of bone-graft for orthopedic application has become standard of care with many vets: Osteotomy sites, Arthrodesis, to fill defects from cysts, tumors or screw removals, TTA, TPLO, to fill voids from cysts or tumors removals, comminuted fractures, non or delayed unions, or anywhere a bone graft material is needed.
Periodontal disease and tooth extractions can leave sizable voids which can result in significant damage, pain and further trauma: alveolar filling, intrabody pockets caused by periodontal disease, tooth extraction sites, palatal defects, endodontic-periodontics lesions, traumatic defects or intraosseous flaws related to pulpal floor or lateral root perforations etc. The AAHA currently recommends use of bone-graft for dental applications as a new standard of care.

t=2 Months

t= 7 weeks

S-VETOSS Orthopedic Bone Grafting Product Demonstration
Ease of Use
The hydrophilic bioscaffold of S-VETOSS has a large nano-porosity network that enhances the capillary effect of the bone graft. S-VETOSS easily absorbs the patient’s blood and physiological fluids to form a cohesive mass of bone implant (paste-like), which is easily applied to the implant site.
The application of S-VETOSS can be explained in 6 simple, straight-forward steps. To see how quick and easy it is to apply S-VETOSS, view our directions for use.
S-VETOSS Dental Bone Grafting Product Demonstration
Principles of Action
Stage 1
Once the bone graft is implanted, a mixture of biological fluid including blood, BMP, local growth factors, and non-collagen proteins, diffuse into the network of micro and macropores purposefully engineered into the bioceramics.
Macrophages take up residence within macropores and secrete growth factors and bioactive molecules that stimulate osteogenesis and tissue repair while they engage in the process of bioceramic absorption and resorption. Concurrently, stem cells begin to adhere to the apatite surface and initiate differentiation towards osteoclasts for resorption , and osteoblasts responsible for the synthesis and deposition of new bone matrix.
Stage 2
Stage 3
Osteoblasts begin to mature into osteocytes, which initiate the reconstruction of the overall bone architecture. As the new bone develops, it is filled with collagen fibers and blood vessels, replacing the biosynthetic matrix. The synthetic biomaterial is gradually resorbed away over the ensuing months until it is fully replaced by natural native strong bone.
Cutting-Edge Technology in Bone Augmentation
S-VETOSS innovation builds on the BCP biomaterial technology base which is itself:
Backed by 3000+ publications
Supported by more than 600+ clinical studies
Has over 30 years of safe human and animal use
SVETOSS innovation consists of engineering a BCP bioceramic that has optimal characteristics for a bone graft both in composition and morphology. It is designed to support and promote host bone restoration and achieve a natural (apatitic) preservation of bone graft volume in balance with the new bone formation. As a result, SVETOSS products have an efficacy reminiscent of bone harvested from the patient in addition to commendable handling characteristics.
SVETOSS technology truly empowers you to meet the highest standards of care and take animal health to new horizons of excellence!
SVETOSS products are Certified for
Quality & Reliability
S-VETOSS manufacturing is done under ISO 13485 certification conditions.
S-VETOSS products are all packaged as Terminally Sterilized Medical Devices as per ISO 11607